Wednesday 5 June 2013

Blog 8- Rome Rafts

The Rome Rafts were really interesting I learned at lot of stuff about Rome. Everyone did a very good job on their Rafts some were fun,Then some I learned more about. I had a very awesome topic I loved it I got to learn about roman gods. I like the Romans foods prezi the best besides my own topic it was a lot to learn and I like the topic. I learned the most from foods how they loved grapes and didn't eat a lot of meat and think if eat a lot it will put you to bed much more to.
The rafts were a lot of fun to do and watch really good job to everyone! :)

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Blog 6- Thoughts on evaluation

Evaluation I think is good so you know what you did good, and what you needed to improve.
I think it's important to get good grades to get into collage,so I try my best to get good grades.
I also always study before a test or anything. Yes so marks are really important to me, but if I get a bad mark I just put it aside and don't care about it.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Blog 5- First Nations presentation

I liked the activity we did the bingo thingy..... It was really fun it kept me entertained.
Then finding out what kinds of nations are here in Canada it was interesting.
I liked getting to know special things about all my classmates.
It also kept me occupied, I learned a lot, it was interesting.
I like how he was a chill person and just didn't talk all about First Nations.
All in all it was a really good presentation. :)

Sunday 17 March 2013

current event #1

The artical is about how to become a pope and how the people pick a pope also about the process in becoming a pope and about what the black somke singals and what the white somke singals. also how there is no electronics and media alound in the chruch.

The people involed are all Christains and 
the people running for pope the carnals and people voting also other people too.

It happened in this month and years ago too.
It took place in St.Peter's sqaure.

It happed because the other pope steped down from being pope and Christains need another pope to lead them. 

Blog 3 - video's blog thingy

I think you made us watch the YouTube video's wanted us to learn how the earth formed, and how the earth was In the past and how it became today. Also what we
 were first made out of...( the homer simpson video)

What I learned form the YouTube video's is that the earth was whole in the start of the world and they broke apart. In the future they will be coming back together. Also I didn't't know the earth had eras. So I have learned a lot from it

So I liked all the video's and found them interesting I leared lots of new things about the world. Also it hlep me alot to watch the video's then work on our next project.

Friday 22 February 2013

Does god exist

Yes god does exist! I believe that 100% 
He gave his only son to us and he died for our sins.
So of course we can't see them but there is also a heaven 
 That's where god and Jesus is.... They are the people who judge us and decide if we go to Heaven or Hell. There is also proof the Bible... And lot of other things like this earth!.
        If god did not exist there would be no world no earth and no Us... because I think back to the stories I was told when i was litte and I really believe they are ture
 (i don't know if you were told about these or not) 
         The one of how there was no world at all and everything was dark there was only God and emptinees but then God made our world our eath and us and everything on this earth. 
       Im not a Christian but I believe in God, Jesus and Heaven 100%. 

Thursday 14 February 2013

First throughts

At first I was like this is going to be a boring class...,but then I started to like it. Now it seems like it's a really good class, I think this semester is going to go well. I have only done mapping and a little in history in social studies so I can't wait to start learning more new thing in social studies. I think it's going to be like no other class, because we get to use the ipads and everythings on compture. It will be somewhat challenig for me because everthing is on ipads,and im so use to paper and pen. Im kinda shy so I will always be nervous when presnting projects
It has alway been like that so whatever. 
well I think I have said what I wanted to so im done writting